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november 2,

letter of reference: kathleen floyd

dear prospective employer:

this is a letter of recommendation for kathleen floyd. i have only known kathleen since may, 2008 but i believe she is one of the finest students i have ever had. i highly recommend her to you.

kathleen took my introductory accountancy course in may. she excelled, earning a high a. i was impressed with her intelligent and insightful questions, by her understanding of fairly complex issues, her work ethic, interpersonal skills and team skills. it is abundantly clear that kathleen is a top student. at the university of shaaxi at xian, china she earned a business administration degree and was the top ranked student. students like her and wanted to participate with her. even though she is so bright and has a tremendous work ethic, she is also a great person. she is easy to talk to, speaks excellent english and has great interpersonal skills.

i encourage you to closely examine kathleen’s resume. you will see that she has had numerous jobs that deal with working with people. this reinforces what i tell you about her excellent interpersonal skills. she is friendly and personable.

in closing, there are three super qualities that kathleen has. they are not just good qualities, but some of the best you will find in any person. they are her knowledge, work ethic and interpersonal skills, including language skills. i highly recommend this great lady to you. i know you will make your organization better.

if you have any questions, please contact me at i am on a sabbatical to ireland until january, so this is the best way to contact me.


william c. lathen, ph.d and cpa


letter of reference: kathleen floyd

dear prospective employer:

this is a letter of recommendation for kathleen floyd. i have only known kathleen since may, but i believe she is one of the finest students i have ever had. i highly recommend her to you.

kathleen took my introductory accountancy course in may. she excelled, earning a high a. i was impressed with her intelligent and insightful questions, by her understanding of fairly complex issues, her work ethic, interpersonal skills and team skills. it is abundantly clear that kathleen is a top student. at the university of shaaxi at xian, china she earned a business administration degree and was the top ranked student. students like her and wanted to participate with her. even though she is so bright and has a tremendous work ethic, she is also a great person. she is easy to talk to, speaks excellent english and has great interpersonal skills.

i encourage you to closely examine kathleen’s resume. you will see that she has had numerous jobs that deal with working with people. this reinforces what i tell you about her excellent interpersonal skills. she is friendly and personable.

in closing, there are three super qualities that kathleen has. they are not just good qualities, but some of the best you will find in any person. they are her knowledge, work ethic and interpersonal skills, including language skills. i highly recommend this great lady to you. i know you will make your organization better.

if you have any questions, please contact me at XX. i am on a sabbatical to ireland until january, so this is the best way to contact me.


william c. lathen, ph.d and cpa




请允许我先把我们公司介绍一下,我们XXXX公司,是XXXXXXX,员工XXX名,年销售额达XXXX元。我作为XXXX公司的董事长,我也一直在关注着XX先生的成长,现在,我谨作为XX先生在我公司工作X年的领导写此推荐信。 首先他是一位乐于沟通且善于沟通的员工。尽管曾经在工作中因为沟通不足导致工作失误的发生,但他能够直面自己的不足,而主动改善沟通方法,加强与服务对象、与管理层的沟通,从而改变并形成了一种较为民主的分厂行政事务决策模式。这种改变产生了巨大的粘合力,把生产与行政紧密结合起来,以行政来支持生产,并在生产促进中发挥更大的作用。




践中,且有所成效,比如教育同事调整工作态度、培养沟通意识、主动研究可行性方案、加强执行力、鼓励创新等等。虽然我仍希望他在这地方持续加强,但我依然欣赏他正表现出来的在管理研究与实践上的专注与专业。 他有着较强的进取心,有强烈的进一步深造和提高的要求。优秀的他需要更广阔的天空,更开放的学习氛围,更多优秀导师的指引,而贵校MBA商学院无疑是他最好的选择。虽然从某种程度上来说,踏上学业之路会占用部分工作时间,但是考虑到他的前途,我依然毫不犹豫的支持他赴贵校深造。真诚期望贵校能给他一个提升自己实现梦想和提升自我的机会。




年 月 日


1. 忌炫耀头衔:MBA申请者有时候会犯这样的错误,他们往往以为显示推荐人的职位头衔以及推荐人同商学院的"关系有利于自己的申请,认为头衔及关系比推荐人对自己的了解和对自己能力的推荐重要。错!当商学院说MBA申请者的推荐信找以前的直接上司来写时,它希望你按照要求去做。因为直接上司(可能不是名人,不是第一老板)比名人对你的为人、能力更了解。

2. 表扬要具体到事件:MBA申请者和推荐人有个坏习惯——把推荐信看成“形式主义”,以为商学院“只想要关于能力、梦想、决心之类的空话套话”。事实上,商学院招生官想看到的是“真实的,站得住脚的案例,这些案例能更好的展示推荐人想表扬的申请者的能力。”



