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Older staff are more productive than their younger colleagues, say researchers.


More mature members of staff may be weaker and less agile than their junior counterparts, but they more than compensate with their greater experience, ability to work in teams, and success at coping when things go wrong.


The researchers say: ‘While older workers make more errors, perhaps due to declining physical attributes, they hardly make any severe errors, perhaps due to more experience.


‘It is experience that prevents severe errors.’


The scientists who studied production lines at a Mercedes-Benz truck factory in southern Germany also found that younger, more highly educated workers were less productive than those who had fewer qualifications – perhaps because the educated workers got bored more easily.


The researchers, from the University of Mannheim, said their findings debunked the idea that older workers should be made redundant to boost productivity.


They write: ‘In many countries, lower productivity among older workers is used as a motivation for early retirement policies.


‘If this were true, the ageing populations in many developed countries would have negative effects on overall productivity. These results cast doubt on such beliefs.’


The researchers argue that in sectors where physical strength is less important than in manufacturing, such as in the service sector, it is likely that older workers are even more productive.


The researchers also found that a higher proportion of women in the workforce is bad for productivity in young teams and good in old teams.


They say women make fewer errors, but young male workers get distracted, and are likely to make more errors, if women are in the team.







4. 讲的是bat的超声波,各种bat的不同的超声波

5. forest的扩张

6. diamond的地位发展,欧洲和印度的钻石贸易

7. 动物直接繁殖live thing,还有一个是下蛋然后孵化。

8. 土地盐渍化在某个地区的影响,不仅还有salt,还有mud,silt的影响。

9. 某种恐龙是predator还是scavenger

10. 文字演变,文字的发展史,各种不同文字的演变


Conversation 对话

1. 一个教授开了新的工程史课程,可以提供给其他专业的学生,有同学问教授如果是其他专业的学生能不能听懂这门课。

2. 女生说车要从停车场挪到另一个停车场,因为要修剪树,然后要弄大的仪器进来,女生挪了之后就去别的地方,结果回来的时候发现她新的那个停车场也要修剪树木,然后需要挪,但是她出去了不知道,她的车就被贴了tickets,她就和这个男的说我怎么能知道什么时候能修好树啊又没通知什么的。

3. 寝室洗衣机坏了,学生在网上递交维修申请没回复,去找老师,老师帮忙打电话

4. 艺术史,跳舞雕塑

5. 女生感谢教师给她补考,老师谈自己教学方法。

6. 女士找教授的代理要推荐信,教授没有留下推荐信。

7. 学生想做住宿指导员,但有一些担忧。

Lecture 讲座

1. 一个画家画西部风景画满足大家的好奇心,所以很火,后来凉了。

2. 人类机智地预测动物的数量分布,利用ideal distribution model,举例了海豚、啮鼠、鱼。

3. 心理学,讲选择恐惧的影响

4. 关于technological determinism,新技术的发展,可以是任何东西,推动我们社会进化,and shape who we are,技术一旦存在,改变不可避免。

5. 儿童学会说话的两种理论:行为模仿及纠正;天生的;行为论的弊端。

6. 超现实主义

7. 地幔中含水量巨大的证明


Part V Direction : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet. 101. For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at the PCB design conferences. (A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase 102. Make sure that transportation to and from the river is arranged to your . (A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy 103. The imposing that will soon be Rand Corporation"s R&D center was renovated by the highly admired designer Haewook Lee. (A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally (D) in structural 104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement for job-related courses taken with a supervisor"s . (A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve 105. Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccable for the position of senior editor. (A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified 106. Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment, the local health clinic will be offering free flu vaccinations this weekend. (A) prevention (B) prevent (C) to prevent B) prevented 107. Legal experts have presented that the DNA samples and fingerprints match. (A) evident (B) evidence (C) evidently (D) to evident 108. Mach Corp. has a system that allows clients to manage to employees" files. (A) access (B) accessible (C) to accessible (D) accessibly 109. The average listener will not be able to notice any between audio CD and MP3 files. (A) differences (B) different (C) differently (D) of different 110. Without your , we cannot guarantee your room after 6 p.m. A) confirm B) confirming C) confirmation D) confirmative 111. of countries belonging to GATT approved the agreement yesterday in Geneva. A) Represents B) Representations C) Representatives D) Representing 112. Officials of the Sydney head of office will hold a conference to talk about goals for the next ten years. A) them B) their C) theirs D) they 113. As a customer service representative, Mrs. Lee tried to solve complaints from customers before asking for ______ supervisor"s advice. (A) she B) her C) hers D) herself 114 Mr. Alfred and I extend thanks to those that have helped this project in the past. (A) us (B) ours (C) our (D) ourselves 115. Pioneer Corp. is considering--------- the release of the new equipment scheduled for later this month. (A)postponing (B) postpone (C) to postpone (D) postponement 116. The company"s business plan includes ---------- revenue from magazine and event promotions designed to help recruiters find qualified applicants. (A) draw (B) drawing (C) to draw (D) drawer 117. This guideline is intended to -------- information about our databases and to provide a clear definition of how these database get updated and who has responsibilities (A) clarification (B) classified (C) cleared (D) clarify 118. As of July 7, basic monthly telephone service will increase by $1.50 due to the new federal telecommunication tax, -------- state-to-state long-distance rates will decrease an average of 10 percent. (A) otherwise (B) therefore (C) however (D) in addition to 119. He makes $20 an hour, has more work than he can handle. (A) and (B) than (C) so (D) but 120. Their products are known not only for their low price, __________ for their high quality. (A) but (B) but also (C) and also (D) as well as























How clean is the average backyard pool is? Find out on this Moment of Science.

Everybody loves the swimming pool. But how clean is the water in the average backyard or public pool? If you trust (1)chlorine to take care of germs, you’re in for a surprise.

Chlorine and other (2)disinfectants do indeed help to clean the water, but some germs can survive in even the best-kept pool. For example, (3)cryptosporidium may live in pool water for several days. Crypto causes a (4)diarrheal illness and may (5)rinse off the bodies of infected people or (6)diapered children into the pool. If you swallow infected pool water, you may become sick.

Other germs may live for a few minutes or a few hours in a chlorinated pool: Giardia(鞭毛虫), Shigella(志贺氏菌), and E. Coli(大肠杆菌) may cause diarrheal illnesses. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa(绿脓杆菌) may cause an ear infection called swimmer’s ear and also a skin infection called “hot tub rash(热浴池皮疹),” that is usually associated with very warm pools and spas.

While keeping the correct chlorine and ph levels will minimize (7)water-borne illness, prevention is also a good idea. Keep diapered children in the water for only brief periods and keep sick people out of the water altogether. And, don’t ever swallow pool water.








(1)chlorine ["kl :ri:n] n.氯

(2)disinfectants n.消毒剂;消毒水;消毒乐

(3)cryptosporidium [,kript u"sp ridi m] n.隐孢子虫

(4)diarrheal [,dai "ri:ik] adj.腹泻的

An increase in diarrheal illness in New York City followed a massive power outage in .


(5)rinse [rins] vt.漱;冲洗掉;漂净 n.冲洗;漂洗;染发剂;染发 vi.冲洗掉;漂净

She rinsed her hands quickly before eating.


(6)diaper ["dai p ] n.尿布 vt.给孩子换尿布

cloth diapered two kids and LOVED every minute of it.


(7)water-borne adj.水传播的;由水浮起的;水运的;饮水传染的

It tells the research and use of water-borne alkyd resin coatings and points out its prospects in vehicle and architecture fields.

