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Kisses are such simple things,we hardly notice them.But if we paid more attention we"d see that each kiss conveys a meaning all its own.

For example,(e.g.)some can say,I"m so happy to see you.or,I didn"t realize you"d be here.or honey,it "s time to stop drinking.

The trick is in knowing how to tell the difference.

power-it"s the type of thing most people don"t think about ...until it"s taken away.

whether it"s the political power of the many...or a lover"s influence over just one...we all want some of power in our lives...

if only to give ourselves choices.Yes,to be without choices,to feel utterly powerless,well...it"s a lot...like being alone...in the dark.

Sabotage.Everyone is capable of it,but some go about it more ruthlessly than others.

like the ones who crave vengeance...or the ones who hunger for love...or the ones who are determined to burn bridges.

And then there those who simply want something...something that belongs to someone else.


1. 运用总分总的结构

Your listeners will understand your talk better if you organize what you say in a logical sequence or linear pattern. This means that you tell the listeners what you are going to talk about and then go through the points you want to make. The most common pattern of organization is outlined below:

Introductory statement

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3

Concluding statement

An example of this pattern is shown below:

Breeding butterflies has many advantages for the collector.

1. way of obtaining specimens

2. spares can be released into the wild

3. helps survival because butterflies have been protected from natural predators

The experience is a learning experience for the collector and a benefit to the species.

2. 运用连接词

Connecting ideas by using transition words and phrases tells your listeners the relationship of one idea to the next. You can signal to your listener that you are going to put events in a sequence, add information, or make a comparison. You can signal that you want to emphasize or clarify a point. Using transition words and phrases helps your listener follow the flow of your ideas. Read the following example without transitional expressions:

In my physics class, we did lots of experiments that helped clarify scientific principles. I understood those principles better by doing those experiments.

These sentences would flow better if the speaker used transitional expressions as in the following example:

In my physics class, we did lots of experiments that helped clarify scientific principles. As a result, I understood those principles better.

3. 解释或定义陌生概念

In order to help your listeners understand, you may need to define a term that you use in your response. Read the following example:

My hobby is telemark skiing.

If the speaker does not define the term and listeners do not know what telemark skiing is, they might not understand the rest of the passage. Sometimes listeners can guess the meaning through the context of the passage, but sometimes they cannot. Here is the definition this speaker gave of telemark skiing:

That means skiing using telemark skis.

Even though the speaker defined telemark skiing, listeners still may not understand what it means because the speaker defined the term with the same word. To effectively define a word, use a three-part definition:

1. State the word or phrase to be defined.

2. Give the category that the word or phrase fits into.

3. Tell how the word is different from other words that fit the same category.

Read this example of an effective definition:

Telemark is a type of alpine skiing in which the boots are connected to the skis only at

the toes, so traditional skiing techniques have to be modified.

4. 正确使用平行结构

Your listener can understand the flow of your ideas better if you use parallel structures when you speak. Read the following incorrect example:

My teacher gave interesting assignments and motivating the students.

The listener may be confused because the speaker has mixed different grammatical structures. Does the speaker mean My teacher gave interesting and motivating assignments to the students"? In this sentence, interesting and motivating are parallel adjectives. Or does the speaker mean My teacher gave interesting assignments and motivated the students? In this sentence, gave and motivated are parallel verbs.

5. 对关键词进行替换或同义转换

When a speaker keeps repeating a word or phrase, listeners can get confused. Read the following example:

My teacher wrote the assignment on the chalkboard. The assignment was on the chalkboard until the teacher erased the assignment after we had all done the assignment.

This speaker"s ideas would be clearer if the repeated words were replaced with other expressions or with pronouns. Look at the way this example can be improved:

My teacher wrote the assignment on the chalkboard. She erased the board after we had all completed the task.

The word assignment has been replaced with task; the word teacher with she; and the word chalkboard with board.

6. 时态、人称和数量的统一

Your listener can get confused if you are not consistent. Look at the following example:

My teacher brought five paper bags to school one day. He put us into groups and gave each group a bag. You have to take the objects out of the bags in turn and then a person has to tell a story involving the object from the bag.

The listener may get confused by the change from the past tense to the present tense, and the change from us to you and then to a person. The listener might also be confused by the change from the plural form objects and bags to the singular forms object and bag.

The listener could follow this speaker"s ideas better if the speaker were consistent. Look at the way this example can be improved:

One day my teacher put us into five different groups. He gave each group a bag and told us to take turns pulling out an object and telling the other members of the group a story involving that object.


专家认为考生们这样的顾虑完全是一种误解。当然,盲目追求阅读速度必然要影响阅读理解的质量。但我们应该做的是掌握正确的阅读节奏:“根据快和慢两种速度交替而成的节奏来变化自己的阅读速度。” 唱歌因韵律节奏而动听,说话因轻重缓急而悦耳,阅读也是一样,快慢相间的阅读速度才能收到良好的阅读效果。




A lot of people think that cultural anthropology is just about studying the special and strange aspects of a society, but anthropologists are also interested in the aspects of life that seems so ordinary that the people in the society think they are not significant.

阅读此句,我们不难找到一些关键词,如:cultural anthropology, the special and strange aspects of life, but, anthropologists, interested, ordinary, significant。这些关键词反映了此句的主要信息:“许多人认为文化人类学就是研究特殊而奇怪的社会现象,但人类学家有时还对一些人们认为不重要的、看起来很普通的生活现象感兴趣。”通过分析关键词,我们又发现“but”这个具有转折意义的连接词向我们显示了此句的后半句才是整个句子的核心部分,它提示我们阅读时应更加留心阅读后半句的关键词,提炼关键信息。因此,我们可以很肯定地确认此句最重要的意义应该是:“Anthropologists are also interested in the aspects of life so ordinary that people don’t think they are significant.”并且也可以很肯定地预测,如有下文,也一定是就后半句所反映的核心信息继续论述,而不是前半句的。这样,在阅读时,我们就会把目光把注意力更加有目的地集中在后半句的关键词上,而对那些附加修饰、说明的部分,如:修饰people的a lot of 、in the society就可以快速阅读,甚至略去不读,因为它不影响我们对中心意思的理解与把握。


Smell and Memory

Scientists are producing an increasing number of findings on the links between smell and memory. The most prominent scientist in this field is Dr. Alan Hirsch, a US neurologist who specializes in the treatment of patients who have lost their sense of smell or taste. He believes that the memories that certain smells bring back to people are not actually as important as the emotions that are associated with the smells. He also argues that our minds filter these emotions in a positive way, making past times seem better than they perhaps were.

我们注意到这个段落的题目是“Smell and Memory”,我们还知道题目是中心思想的反映。据此,我们可以得知本段主要论述的应是smell and memory之间的联系,由此找到了关键词语“the links between smell and memory”(在段首),而能说明它们之间关系的句子又是最后一句。所以,这个段落的核心信息是:“Some smells remind us of a previous thing in a way that is better than the real experience.”由此判定,本段的首尾都需细心地、稍慢地阅读,而对“最著名的;专门治疗何种病人的”这样相对次要的句子就可以加快阅读速度。



1.“WELL”美国人最为常用的GAP FILLER莫过于WELL。他们在交流时,当听话者想要让说话者知道自己正在准备说话时,就会先用一个WELL揽过话茬。通常这个词的要用升调。例如:

A:When are you going to take a trip to Italy?

B: Well, I have been preparing for that for a long time and I think it will be in next month。

2. “UHMM”这个词也是美国人超级爱用的语气词。发音时就是发出“啊”的音之后再闭上嘴继续“木”音。通常情况下,这个词用来告诉听话者:“我正在思考你所提出的问题”例如:

A:Are you gonna be availalbe this Sunday afternoon?

B: Uhmmmmm… I am not sure and please let me check my schedule。

3. “YOU KNOW”这个我想大家都非常熟知。虽然表面意思是“你知道的”但是更多时候说话者使用了这个词之后马上就要继续阐述自己的观点。例如:

A:What would you like to have?

B: Well,you know,like always,Orange Chicken!

4. “It‘s like…”美国年轻人超级爱使用这个句式,有时候它被用来打比方但是更多时候是用来打比方同时拖延思考时间。例如:

A:How was the show on Sunday?

B: Uhmm, it‘s like…it‘s like the one we saw together last year。

5. “I mean”这个是我们考托福口语时的杀手锏,因为有很多的考生在回答问题时,说着说着就跑题了无法自圆其说。为了防止这种现象的出现,我们要迅速反应拉回话题。这时候我们就要用“I MEAN”例如:

A: Would you please tell me more about your former university?

B: Oh,yes,sure, I went abroad when I was a junior and came back one year later.I transfered to another school right after I came back. Oh, I am sorry, I mean I do not really know that much of it。

除了这些语气连接词以外,我们还有好多方法拉长我们的语气以赢得更多的思考时间,例如转折词but 和 连词 and,当我们使用它们时,我们完全可以这样发音“butummmm”和 “andummmm”这样我们就可以获得充足的时间进行思考从而完美的说出下面的具体内容。




Cancer Recovery

A 32-year-old woman in Belgium has become the first woman ever to give birth after having ovarian tissue removed, frozen and then implanted back in her body. The patient had the tissue removed in in hopes of preserving her fertility because she had Hodgkin"s lymphoma, a type of cancer, and was about to undergo chemotherapy with drugs likely to damage her ovaries and cause infertility. She and her doctors hoped that once she was cured, the ovarian tissue could be thawed and returned to her abdomen to produce eggs.

文中的一些生词,如:ovarian tissue, fertility, Hodgkin"s lymphoma, chemotherapy, thawed, abdomen(如果它们是生词的话)会妨碍我们对段落大义的理解,但我们熟悉的“give birth, produce eggs”告诉我们本段落所叙述的内容与妇女生育有关,而且我们还可以判断出这是一例不同寻常的生育,因为removed(摘除)、frozen(冷冻)、implanted(移植)、returned(放回)等这些关键词向我们显示了这样一个关键信息。从第二句得知,这位病人摘除的ovarian tissue是希望能保护她的fertility.最后一句又说,先前摘除的ovarian tissue 移植回去后可以produce eggs; 再从生活常识中得知,能使妇女产卵生育的器官是卵巢。这样,综合起来我们就推测出了ovarian的意义是“卵巢”、fertility的意义是“生育能力”。而至于这位妇女得的什么癌症(Hodgkin"s lymphoma)我们可以忽略不计,只要抓住“治疗这种疾病的药物会导致"不育"”这一主要信息即可(第二句后半句)。至此,我们可以大胆地推测本段的核心大意:文中提到的比利时妇女患有癌症(lymphoma淋巴),而化疗这种癌症的药物会引起不育(infertility);为保护她的生育能力(fertility),治疗前,医生摘除了她的卵巢(ovarian)冷冻起来,待疾病治。







特别提醒考生们在考试前一定要重视系统的试音部分,通过试音来确定自己的音量是否合适,话筒的距离是否适中。如果话筒太近,声音会很难辨认。另一方面,ETS考试中心的耳机和话筒据称是高保真,但是实际上又重又破(不知道经过多少次考试,被多少考生使用过了),不能对其有太大的信心。所以试音部分不要忽略。论坛上广泛流传着一个段子:春蚕到死丝方尽,Describe the city you live in。考过托福的同学都会会心一笑。这是因为试音部分的题目是Describe the city you live in,这部分不必费心组织语言,只要反复读这句话,直到系统检测到你的声音即可。这道题也从没在口语部分出现过,只出现在试音环节跑个龙套,所以平时也不必准备这道题。












首先,备考口语的学生要始终牢记一个原则,那就是“No Input, No Output”,即“无输入便无输出”。这里的“输入”要求的是正确标准的发音,只有好的输入才能得到好的输出。做好这一步,一个很好的方法便是“跟读”。




1 放一句口语音频

2 将音频暂停

3 将刚才说的那句话进行复述5-10遍,直到自己认为不能更接近原文朗读为止

4 放下一句口语音频

5 将音频暂停

6 将刚才说的那句话进行复述5-10遍,直到自己认为不能更接近原文朗读为止

7 当跟读完10句话之后,将前面的10句话,连起来进行播放

8 将音频暂停

9 将刚才说的那10句话进行复述5-10遍,直到自己认为不能更接近原文朗读为止

10 注意,此处与前面不一样!将刚才播放的10句话再次进行播放5-10遍,同时让自己根据文本跟着口语音频跟着进行朗读5-10遍,直到自己认为不能更接近原文朗读为止

11 再朗读一遍,同时将自己朗读的这10句话,也就是自己已经达到最纯熟的这10句话进行录音。

12 将自己的录音,与口语音频的录音进行对比,将不同点,重新模仿,直到自己满意

13 将自己最满意的音频再次进行录音

14 重复前面的1-13步

15 当跟读完100句之后,再将这100句重新进行播放5-10遍,同时让自己根据文本跟着口语音频跟着进行朗读5-10遍,直到自己认为不能更接近原文朗读为止

16 将自己这100句最完美的朗读进行录音,并且与口语录音进行对比

17 根据口语录音与口语音频的对比,再次修正自己的发音,重新模仿,直到自己满意

18 将这100句进行录音,任务结束。




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement, school should require all students to have their own laptops. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Personally, I think students should be required to own laptops. To begin with, students might need to write papers, and they can find reference on the internet easily, cuz they can just type the key words in the search engine, and the next moment they know, the answer shows up on the screen, and they basically can find reference on every topic, like technology, history, and even psychology. Also, they need to use lots of software to finish some assignments and projects, so the use of computer is inevitable. For example, I am an economics major, and I need to use statistical software to analyze data, obviously, I cannot do that without the computer.



Some people prefer to write many short assignments for a semester, other prefer to write one or two long assignments for a semester. Which do you prefer? Explain why.

Personally, I prefer to write several short assignments instead of one or two long assignments. To begin with, I don"t want to be overly stressed out when the big assignments are about to be due, long assignments are likely to be tough to deal with, actually, as the saying goes, “Don"t put all of your eggs in one basket”, by writing short assignments, I can spread the risk, also I will not be worn out, since short assignments are much easier to deal with. By doing assignment this way, I can avoid serious time conflict when other big projects are due at the same time together with the big assignments.


Some schools require students to finish a reading list during school breaks. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this requirement.

Well, finishing a reading list can help students to learn different ways to express themselves, you know usually the reading list includes the classics of all times, most of the books are authored by the greatest writers, who might use different rhetoric to voice their opinions. However, the required reading list might not be suitable for every kid since kids have their likes and dislikes when it comes to the topics of these books. If they find it boring and meaningless, they might not even read the books they like in the future.


University education is more important now than it was in the past.

Personally, I couldn’t agree more with this statement, advanced education is more important than before. University education provides students with the tools and skills that are essential for them to be successful in their future career. In today’s competitive job market, without a decent college education one cannot find a decent job. Additionally, college educations can help to develop morality and values to live a good life and build up character to seek the truth and I think these qualities are very important to have in order to be a mature person.


Which of the following do you think is the most effective way of studying?

A Studying alone B Working with others in a group C Tasking assignments

Well, I think it the best way to learn is through working with others in a group. I am the kind of person who find theory based subjects are hard to learn, like math, physics and chemistry and I need to discuss with my friends in order to concentrate on the subject. They might offer some incisive approach for me to understand the material better. Additionally, it also helps to learn other subject like sociology and psychology and stuff. cuz, through discussion we can share our personal experience to shed some light on the stuff we are learning, I might have some new perspective and insights on the some psychological concepts.



Some people prefer to write many short assignments for a semester, other prefer to write one or two long assignments for a semester. Which do you prefer? Explain why.

Personally, I prefer to write several short assignments instead of one or two long assignments. To begin with, I don"t want to be overly stressed out when the big assignments are about to be due, long assignments are likely to be tough to deal with, actually, as the saying goes, “Don"t put all of your eggs in one basket”, by writing short assignments, I can spread the risk, also I will not be worn out, since short assignments are much easier to deal with. By doing assignment this way, I can avoid serious time conflict when other big projects are due at the same time together with the big assignments.


Some schools require students to finish a reading list during school breaks. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this requirement.

Well, finishing a reading list can help students to learn different ways to express themselves, you know usually the reading list includes the classics of all times, most of the books are authored by the greatest writers, who might use different rhetoric to voice their opinions. However, the required reading list might not be suitable for every kid since kids have their likes and dislikes when it comes to the topics of these books. If they find it boring and meaningless, they might not even read the books they like in the future.


University education is more important now than it was in the past.

Personally, I couldn’t agree more with this statement, advanced education is more important than before. University education provides students with the tools and skills that are essential for them to be successful in their future career. In today’s competitive job market, without a decent college education one cannot find a decent job. Additionally, college educations can help to develop morality and values to live a good life and build up character to seek the truth and I think these qualities are very important to have in order to be a mature person.


Which of the following do you think is the most effective way of studying?

A Studying alone B Working with others in a group C Tasking assignments

Well, I think it the best way to learn is through working with others in a group. I am the kind of person who find theory based subjects are hard to learn, like math, physics and chemistry and I need to discuss with my friends in order to concentrate on the subject. They might offer some incisive approach for me to understand the material better. Additionally, it also helps to learn other subject like sociology and psychology and stuff. cuz, through discussion we can share our personal experience to shed some light on the stuff we are learning, I might have some new perspective and insights on the some psychological concepts.


Some people like to take less informative but interesting lectures, others like to take boring but more content rich lectures. Which do you prefer?

Well, personally I like to attend less informative but interesting lectures. Frankly, most of the lectures on campus are academic oriented and lots of topics are pretty boring, consequently one finds it hard to concentrate for a long time. However, if the lecture is interesting, I am motived to learn more about the topic. If the lecture itself is pretty boring, there will never be a chance for me to focus on the it for a long time. Eventually, even though it is very informative, however, I will not learn anything.






提供: provide,supply,furnish,give,render,accommodate

揭示: reveal,exhibit,expose,disclose,unveil,show,transpire,indicate,denote

建议: propose,suggest,advance,mention,recommend,advise,offer/

说明: illuminate,clarify,illustrate,exemplify,explain,elaborate

赞同: agree with,applaud,approve,go along with

反对: oppose,argue against,combat


吸引: engross,absorb,draw,attract,intoxicate,lure,entice,tempt

开始: start,emerge,launch,start,begin,commence,initiate

引起: generate,produce,give rise to,engender

理解: understand,comprehend



美好: excellent, extraordinary fantastic, fabulous, marvelous, nice, outstanding, , terrific, wonderful,

糟糕: awful, bad, horrible, terrible

伤心: (feel )blue,( feel) down, desperate, disappointed, frustrated, unhappy

开心: delightful, glad, happy, joyful, enjoy oneself, have a good time

热闹: busy, bustling

时髦:fashionable, in fashion, popular, up-to-date, updated

过时:outdated, be out of date, obsolete

形容人物品格:helpful, warm-hearted, easy-going, friendly, humorous, energetic, knowledgeable, generous, efficient, sensible, responsible, creative, dutiful, smart, wise, intelligent, impartial, patient, faithful, expressive, articulate, reliable, well-educated, self-disciplined, considerate, thoughtful, persistent, hardworking, punctual



并列词:for a starter(as a starter; for starters),to begin with, in the first place, besides, on the other hand, in addition,additionally, what’s more, moreover, furthermore, on top of that, also, plus

转折词:but, however, …while…

因果词:so, consequently, therefore, thus, as a result,for, since, because, as

对比词:in contrast, on the contrary



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should discourage children from choosing a career that is less likely to be successful, such as in athletics or in the entertainment industry.

Sample Response

I disagree with the statement that parents should discourage children from choosing a certain career because it is unlikely to be successful. Instead, I think that parents should encourage their children in the most suitable fields for that child.

The reason is because every child is different. Although it is true that most children may not be fit for athletics, there are some children who are. Parents of such a child should not automatically discourage the child from a sports career just because it is difficult.

Likewise, there are children who are not cut out for a traditional career. Such a person may become depressed and perform poorly, for example, working in an office. It is better to help that child succeed in a more unconventional job that matches his or her skills.

I think it is better to steer a child towards a career where he or she will thrive rather than just telling the child to avoid certain careers.






Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Celebrities are good models for young people.






第二种可以使用一些native speaker的input,比如喜欢看体育的同学可以去下载一个app,叫做ESPN。喜欢使用social media的同学,可以去试试一个网站叫做BuzzFeed,大家可以读读上面的文章,或者是听新闻,都可以从中得到更多的词汇词组和表达,还有些同学喜欢看美剧,刷美剧也是个很好的方式。

针对同学们的发音问题,我们就给出第2个Tips,那就是correct your pronunciation。我给出了两种纠正发音的方式,第一种是比较传统的,根据词典的发音去练习每一个单词、词组、表达的发音,一个一个的纠正,然后一个一个的修改。第二种方式则是我个人比较推荐的,也是比较活泼的一种方式,就是跟native speaker比较和模仿,并且纠正我们的错误,那么这样的方式让我们可以利用shadowing跟读来实现。


让我们通过一组数据来说明这个问题,我在国外的时候,经常会有同学说我们的印度同学口语非常难懂,有一股浓浓的咖喱味,他们都觉得印度口音好像是一个不好的口音,但是我们通过ETS给出的官方数据可以看到,印度同学其实在speaking test中的得分是非常高的,平均分能做到23分,远远超过中国、韩国和日本的同学,而且他的总分也是处于一个领先的位置。




这里给大家推荐几部个人经常使用的,用来做shadowing跟读练习的美剧,第一部美剧This is US,有关家庭剧情的。第二部我推荐的是Chicago Fire,这是一部讲芝加哥消防员的美剧。最后推荐的是吸血鬼日记Vampire Diaries,也是之前非常火的一部美剧,这部美剧的特点是,它比较贴近我们的校园生活,比较对年轻人胃口。


Tips 1: Learn More Vocabulary/Phrases/Expressions累积更多的词汇/词组/表达

方法:单词书(红宝书,词汇一本通等);TPO文本;Native Speaker Input

Tips 2: Correct Your Pronunciation纠正你的发音问题








接下来我们就针对这样三大问题,提出解决的办法。第一个,回答时容易停顿/停顿过多,针对这样的问题,给出第一个Tips——slow down your pace放慢节奏。


1. 利用连接词


2. 利用重音来停顿

3. 利用句子之间的间隙来停顿


4. 利用我们的intonation


5. 利用filler idea

比如说well/you know/that means这样的词来放慢我们的节奏,但是大家要记住,像这类的词切记不能放太多,我认为一个45秒或者是一分钟的回答,用2-3个就差不多了。


接下来介绍第二个Tips,speak to prepare。这个Tips一样可以解决我们回答时容易犹豫、停顿过多和整体节奏不稳定的问题,那么这个Tips我们应该怎么做呢?大家要记住,我们在口语题目的15秒、20秒或者是30秒的准备时间中,我们不能光在那边坐着想理由或是准备口语思路,更重要的是要开口说。



第三个Tips,针对很多同学喜欢追求高大上的用词或理由导致文不达意,那么解决方案就是,我们需要使用一些简单而又直接的词汇和理由,做到simple and direct。操作方法非常简单,我相信同学们只要有这个意识之后,就能够改正这个问题了。


Tips 1: Slow Down Your Pace放慢节奏

方法:利用连接词,利用重音停顿,利用句子间隙停顿,利用语调停顿,利用filler ideas停顿

Tips 2: Speak to Prepare 准备时要开口说


Tips 3: 使用简单直接的词汇/理由

